
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Term 4 Week 8 Distance Learning 2021


For this weeks learning i did alot of things including reading, writing, and maths.
Firstly for Reading i did things like if video games (Esports) should be in the Olymipics
andi answered some quesions and gave my perspective if video games (Esports)
should be in the Olympics. Not only that but i also was reading an articale about
skateboarding and if they should take skateboarding away from the olympics.
I also gave my perspective if Skateboarding should still be in the Olympics.
Next for Writing i wrote a little poem about if i were a creeper in minecraft and
i wrote that poem if it was in the future. Lastly for maths i sovled some answers
that i was supposed to do and worked out how to make a chart about what i do
ever day. One more thing about maths is that i also did some fractions.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Week 7 T4 2021 Distance Learning LCS


Hello, For this weeks learning i did lots and lots of stuff including Reading,
Writing, and maths. Firstly for Reading i read a few online articals and then
answered questions from those articals. I also chose a game that i make up
and i chose to make a game kind of like spotlight but better. For Writing i
wrote about two different types of poems. The first poem was a calligram
poem and the second one was an acrostic poem. They were both about a 
i could write about and i chose hopscotch and hide & seek. Lastly for maths
i mostly did fractions but i also learnt about BEDMAS.